Copyright (c) 2006 SSLI Health Group
What is laser periodontal surgery? It is a non-invasive, gentle alternative to the dreaded scalpel and suture procedure. If you have gum disease that has gone from mild to severe ask your dental professional about the laser treatment method. Did you know that laser periodontal surgery eliminates up to 99% of bacteria that causes gum disease? Another advantage is that it is able to spare the loss of gum tissue. The best part is there is no pain because no cutting is involved.
The laser has a tiny laser fiber about as thick as three strands of hair. It works by producing an invisible beam of energy. Laser use is growing very popular among dentists and patients because they are substantially less traumatic.
Periodontal laser techniques Initially your dentist will set up a consultation to explain and demonstrate how the laser works. He/she will take x-rays to determine the severity of the infection and then schedule the procedure. When you arrive for the procedure you will be given a local anesthetic and the treatment will begin as follows: 1. The pocket depth along side of tooth is measured with a periodontal tool. 2. Bacteria and diseased tissue in the pocket are eliminated with the laser. 3. Special tools are used to remove tartar. 4. The pockets are cleaned, sterilized, and sealed with the laser. 5. A "closed system" is created by pressing gum tissues against the sterile root surface. 6. To reduce trauma from clenching or chewing the teeth are adjusted. 7. The healing process begins as new gum attachment takes place and new bone and ligaments form.
You will probably be surprised (maybe disappointed) to know that after the procedure you can return back to work immediately. Laser periodontal surgery is not associated with significant bleeding, swelling, infection, or post-op discomfort. My choice is obviously the pain free method. In my opinion this "no pain, no gain" mentality is for the birds.
Is the procedure approved? Laser Periodontal Surgery is FDA approved, and happens to be the only soft tissue patent involving laser treatment. However, The American Academy of Periodontology is skeptical. They do agree that lasers are effective in soft tissue management, but they are concerned that lasers will damage roots if used to remove calculus below the gum line. They also question whether the price you pay to have the benefits of laser surgery is worth it in comparison to the traditional scalpel method cost.
Author: Sung Lee is the Inventor of Ultimate Gum Solution'. He has been Researching natural health products for the benefits of human disease Treatment for the last 15 years. Specially after 50 years of suffering of dental Infection problem he has been testing every natural health ingredients to find The solution for Gum Disease. The Ultimate Gum Solution' is the result of 5 years of research and 5 years of testing with thousands of customers world wide and dentist doctor's clinical test results. To receive monthly newsletter:
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