Monday, November 14, 2011

How Will Proper Nutrition Help Me Lose Weight?

help me lose weightIf you’ve tried diet after diet and you’re still hollering, “Please! Help me lose weight!” It’s because diets don’t work (obviously). Sure, they may help you drop a few pounds in the beginning, but the results are often short lived. Most diets require you to restrict your caloric intake to the point where your body is literally starving.
Not getting enough calories slows your metabolism down, causes the loss of lean muscle tissue, deprives you of the fuel you need to perform, and causes your body to hold on to stored fat for energy. In addition, diets are miserable, depressing, frustrating and not sustainable over the long term. Seriously, how long do you think you can survive off of grapefruits and cabbage?
Take it from a gal who has tried almost every diet on the market. Proper nutrition will give you better weight loss results than simply going on a diet. Here are three good reasons why.

Healthy Foods Are Naturally Low in Calories

Unlike processed junk, healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans naturally raised meats, organic poultry, raw nuts, seeds and organic eggs are naturally low in calories. When you eat reasonable portions of these foods, you automatically reduce your caloric intake and lose weight without feeling hungry, deprived or bitter.
There is so much nonsense in processed foods. When you eat them, your body doesn’t have a clue what to do with the calories; so they just get stored as fat. When you eat nutritious foods instead of processed junk, your body actually benefits from the calories so they are less likely to get stored as blubber.

Proper Nutrition Helps Fuel Your Body

All nutritious (and I mean truly nutritious) eating plans will allow plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and beans in the diet. These foods provide the healthy carbohydrates you need to fuel your body and keep your metabolism performing properly.
If you come across a diet that tells you not to eat healthy carbohydrates, run away from it as fast as you can. Your body absolutely has to have healthy carbohydrates (healthy being the operative word) to survive.

Eating Healthy to Burn Fat

Here’s some great news. Healthy diets that include protein can help you build lean muscle tissue, which can kick your metabolism into high gear. This is definitely a plus if you want to send that double chin packing.
When you eat protein rich foods, your body releases a hormone that helps you burn fat. Protein also helps make meals more satiating so you eat less (bring on the protein, baby). Some nutritious protein sources include naturally raised lean meats, organic poultry, beans, raw nuts and whole organic eggs.
Why put yourself through the drama of dieting just to be disappointed with the end results? Healthy eating is a much better option for dropping unwanted pounds. Remember though, nutritious eating is just one part of the weight loss puzzle. If you want to keep those results coming, get plenty of exercise and drink lots of water.
If you are serious about losing weight, watch this video to learn some of the things that help me lose weight and keep it off.
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July 18, 2011 | comments

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Metodo Gabriel, 3 Common Sense Healthy Eating Tips

Many people know that if you want a long life span and a body that is strong, eating healthy is of all importance. Your body is more capable of shaking off illnesses when it is full of health. Yet, so many people fail to establish a diet and mindset based on wise eating choices. You are helped when you take hold of the realization that along with healthy choices, are tips and plans apart from what you put in your mouth. Again, the habits in your eating and your actions, will impact how you feel overall. We will take some time to look at suggestions for your nutrition that will help you get to your goals in health and diet.If you overeat, you'll have a hard time staying healthy and slim, so watch your portions at all times. When you watch your portions of everything you consume, you can have more leeway in some ways. Many people's main problem isn't that they eat the wrong foods (though some do this), but that they eat them in huge quantities. One of the worst trends to hit the US was the super sized meal. Even when you sit down at a regular restaurant today you're likely to be given gigantic servings- or perhaps dish them out yourself at the salad bar. Eating too much is just a habit, and you have to recognize that you really don't need this much food. If you're eating out, ask for a take-out bag so you can eat the remainder the next day. It's important for you to be conscious of what you're eating, as many people aren't. People who don't think about how nutritious their meals are can easily develop poor long term eating habits. Before you can change how you eat, you have to be conscious of what your consuming. While sweets and junk food can be a problem, it can go beyond this. Many innocent looking foods, including those you cook at home, have too much salt, processed carbs or are high in trans or saturated fats. Consuming small amounts of such foods isn't usually a problem, but you can eat them less frequently and in smaller portions.Many people have trouble with their weight because they don't know when to stop eating. Many people eat until they feel full, and that is not the ideal approach. In order to get into the habit of eating smaller amounts, you should try a few helpful tactics. The best thing you can do is chew your food well. By spending more time chewing, everything, including the process of digestion will slow down. When you eat fast, your digestive system doesn't have time to register all the food, so you don't feel full right away; by slowing down the process, your stomach has time to know you've eaten enough, so you'll be full sooner. Medical professionals are in agreement that knowing your own eating habits and dietary preferences is key to making positive changes. That only makes good sense when you think about it.One size indeed does not fit all when it comes to proper nutrition. So perhaps assess your eating habits and unhealthy foods, and then look at how you can slowly adopt new eating behaviors. By metodo gabriel, cd metodo gabriel

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Why Herpes Is The Easiest Disease In The World To Cure

I know, I know, herpes has an unrelenting reputation as a scurge of incurable proportions. Fortunately for those that are made aware, there are many many ways to get immediate relief from the symptoms of herpes, (my website list almost thirty) and there are several very dependable ways to completely kill the herpes virus, eliminating the disease from your body, forever. All of them perfectly safe and totally natural.

First I will outline the top symptomatic cures, and then I will cover the most reliable holistic methods of permanently eradicating the herpes virus from your life, once and for all.

There are two methods of treating the symptoms of herpes which are; internal and external.

At the first signal of an outbreak, have ready, and reach for, your preferred symptomatic internal herpes treatment.

If that fails to turn the "flair up" around and sores begin to manifest anyway, while continuing to take your internal herpes cure, start applying locally your chosen preference for treating the external symptoms of herpes.

These herpes cures are all natural, so why not use two or more at the same time? Alternate them intermittently.

Internal Treatments For Herpes Symptoms

Bitter Melon is reported to work wonders for subduing cold sore out breaks. It's claimed if you take a couple of capsules as soon as you feel the beginning tinge of an outbreak, it will never manifest. People who take bitter melon on a regular basis claim to never have outbreaks except when they forget to take it.

Acidophilus It's claimed if you take a few capsules of acidophilus at the onset of an outbreak, it will never happen. It can be taken daily for constant protection as well.

L-Lysine is a favored herpes treatment by many of it's sufferers. One to two thousand milligrams four times a day is the recommended amount.

Garlic Take massive quantities of the odorless garlic softgels. I have heard of good results by taking a dozen or so of the softgels at the first sign of a tingling, and then three capsules every four hours, for the next several days.

Holly/Walnut Flower Essence is said to be a very potent remedy for treating the symptoms of herpes.

External Treatments For Herpes Symptoms

Acetone Dab a Q-tip with acetone on any herpes-1 or herpes-2 related cold sore several times a day, and keep the area dry with cornstarch for a very effective herpes treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful topical solution for cold sores. Use it full strength. Put it on with a Q-tip at the first sign of an eruption, and continue to do so at regular intervals until it's gone.

DMSO Gel is very much appreciated by cold sore sufferers. Put it on your lip as soon as you feel the tingling and it will keep the cold sore from appearing.

Honey is reported to be very dependable for healing cold sores, and heals them in as little as twenty four hours! Just dab on a little honey (unpasteurized) at the first sign of a cold sore, and continue to do so at least 3 to 4 times a day. It will stop the pain and itching instantly.

Alum is said to be an amazing cure for cold sores. It dries them out practically overnight! Keep applying it every two or three hours until the sore is gone.

Natural Methods To Cure Herpes

Symptomatic relief that actually works, is of course a relief. Still a cure is the obvious approach to herpes as once the virus is gone, not only are the symptoms as well, but also the fear of transmitting it to others. What could be better?

The Elemental Miracle is the most powerful natural antiviral known to man, and has been reported to completely eliminate both types of herpes by killing the virus itself. It has to be taken in maximum dosage twice a day for several weeks however, due to the stubborn nature of the disease.
Mixing it with DMSO and rubbing it on the spine, in addition to applying it externally on any cold sores, insures a complete herpes cure.

Oil of Oregano (Wild Mediterranean Variety) is another option for completely killing the herpes virus. It has been declared that regularly rubbing the oil vigorously over the spinal column, along with taking five drops under the tongue twice a day, will completely destroy the virus.

There are people who have reported being freed of herpes-2 in less than a month by this method. The reason it's recommended to rub the elemental miracle and/or oregano oil mixed with DMSO on the spine, is because that is where the virus lives even when dormant, and the DMSO helps drive these antivirals deep into the tissues directly to the source.
Also using oil of oregano mixed with DMSO on cold sores, is reported to be very effective.

Colloidal Silver has been credited with eliminating both herpes-1 and herpes-2 but it can take a few months. And it requires taking at least a tsp. three times a day, which makes this the most expensive of these three total cures for herpes.

So, there you have it. The reason "herpes is the easiest disease in the world to cure" is because if you start taking any one, or all three of these complete cures without waiting for another outbreak, you will never even know you ever had the disease in the first place.

Still if your not concerned about sharing it, or of it posing a constant threat, the symptomatic methods outlined here are amazingly dependable. I wish you all the best, and humbly encourage you to go all the way, and rid yourself of this menace for good! It's just too easy not to.

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Hives Treatment

Have you ever have a reddish rash start expanding over parts of your body? If you like me it has happened to you at least once in your life. This rash also itches and burns, which basically makes you miserable. You start trying to find out what caused you to break out with the hives. Did you start using a new detergent to wash your clothes, eat something you are allergic to, or maybe you have an insect bite? There are several other causes too as we will discuss. You also start looking for a cure for hives.

Does this all sound like something you have gone through? Well you are definitely not alone, it is reported that about 20 percent of people have had allergy hives or other kinds of hives at least one time maybe more during their lives. Along with food allergies, reactions to other allergens, and insect bites, you can also breakout with hives due to too much stress in your life.

Hives are also known as urticaria and they can last for a short time, and clear up without any hives treatment. Other times they can last for a month or more and be a more severe form called idiopathic urticaria, which a cause is often not found for this type of breakout. You have to have a series of tests usually to get the cause diagnosed.

While striving to find a cure for hives you will come across a variety of things to do for them. The doctor may even want you to take an antihistamine. But these often have side effects to them that you may find impair you by making you very sleepy. Some are so sedating that you should not drive while taking them. Then the topical chemically-based applications, that you can use are often messy, and even those can have side effects when needed for a long time.

Then you can find the homeopathic cure for hives, these types of cures contain all natural ingredients that do not give off any side effects. These cures are designed not just to get rid of the symptoms such as itching and swelling, but to get rid of the actually rash.

Some of the ingredients that are useful in these cures include such things as:

Lachesis - This does away with that burning feeling.
Arnica Montana - This alleviates bruised-type sensation that usually comes with a hives rash, and skin that become extremely sensitive.
Hepar - This relieves the redness, heat, and also the itching.
Apis Mellifica - This does away with the unbearable itching, swelling, and stinging pain.
Ichthyolum - This reduces the inflammation.

So search online for a cure for hives that has ingredients like this in it. You will see results in just a short amount of time and can get relief from the allergy hives, contacten hives, or any hives for that fact. No need to suffer anymore now that you know about this kind of hives treatment.

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Coconut Oil Weight Loss - What Is The Buzz About?

What's the most current on Coconut Oil Weight Loss? There have been many news pertaining to coconut oil not long ago, and every one of the health advantages that are being connected with it. One claim is that the coconut oil will increase weight-loss.

Virgin Coconut oil is best suited if you are searching to have an organic and natural, non-chemical method in weight loss quickly. People today usually believe that almost all oils and even fats are undesirable; that is a typical false impression. During the 1940�s farm owners believed the same point, these people thought providing the stock with saturated fats coming from coconut merchandise will fatten them up, yet the animals ended up slimmer than in the past!

A study revealed that supplying MCTs for six nights accelerated diet stimulated weight-loss by 50 percent by only adding fat to the diet! Coconut Oil Weight Loss can in fact promote thyroid gland activity and provide you with more energy thus push away craving for food.

A Liquid Diet Weight Loss is a partial or sometimes full meal replacement of fluids. A few weight loss plans is going to include changing a couple of daily meals of solid foods to liquids for instance commercially accessible milkshakes and also fresh drinks. However, you can find liquid diet programs which involve total fluid utilization. Basically, liquid diet is related to surgical procedures and not fat loss. Even so, liquid diet weight loss plans are open to help on your fat loss objectives.

The liquid diet is proven to cut down a person's calorie consumption, which can make it an excellent diet regime if you're hoping to shed unwanted weight. Through this sort of diet, you are able to get rid of 3 or 4 pounds each week. It is one among the shortest lose weight programs right now. The dietary plan is a lot more practical when compared with various other lose weight programs since it is simple to apply and straightforward to adhere to. Nonetheless, this isn't encouraged for long-term weight-loss ambitions.

Fasting with vegetables and fruit will let you lose weight quickly. Over the initial 7 days of juice fasting you are able to simply drop ranging from ten to forty pounds. While most that first fat loss is going to be water weight, it's still weight-loss nevertheless. After these seven days the weight loss gravitates from half-a-pound to 1 pound a day, depending upon the activity level as well as amount of juice you drink you take.

A 30-day Juice Fasting Plan will help a person to lose 25-to-40 pounds. But there are people who lose far more. There are those who do a month juice fast and eliminate 60 pounds. Some juice fasted for two months and lost 110 pounds! The amounts will vary based upon on the body. Should you adhere to the half-a-pound to one-pound-per-day, is already a win-win scene. Anything at all extra to this is already a bonus.

Listed here are many crucial Juice Fasting Benefits:

Newly made juices tend to be more beneficial to the body because these juices are loaded with healthy minerals.

Processed juices are pasteurized but they are nutritionally dry because through pasteurization high temperature eliminates the crucial nutritional value of the juice.

Going on a fast will help with the break down of dangerous toxins and emits their by-products in to the circulation of blood for elimination.

Also, Juice fasting increases the elimination of uric acids as well as other inorganic chemicals.

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Apple Cider Vinegar – a natural, organic path to clear skin

Furthermore, being 100% natural, with many organic brands available, it is suitable for those who want to avoid using harsh, man-made acne skin care products. Apple cider vinegar can become the core of an acne skin care regimen. For best results, it should be used orally and topically.

Why does drinking apple cider vinegar improve the skin?

When ingested, apple cider vinegar can help to detoxify the liver, keeping it strong and helping it to function fully. As anyone who has down the slightest research on beating acne knows, liver health is essential for a clear, glowing complexion. The skin is an organ just like any other. If the liver is forced to deal with too many toxins, it may excrete them through the skin, resulting in bacterial overload and eventually, acne. Therefore, poor liver function can result in acne. Apple cider vinegar can help keep the liver strong, thereby improving breakdown of toxins without excreting them through the skin. Apple cider vinegar can also improve the digestion. Being acidic, it can help to stimulate and regulate production of stomach acid, which is important for breaking down food particles and absorbing nutrients. This will provide a further aid to the skin.

How can applying apple cider vinegar topically improve the skin?

Applying apple cider vinegar topically to the skin surface can help to improve acne and also to reduce facial redness. It can also reduce the amount of sebum or oil on the skin's surface. One of the advantages of using apple cider vinegar is that it can improve the complexion as well as clearing up acne.

At first, it is best to dilute the vinegar to a 10% solution. This can then be dabbed on the skin using cotton pads up to three times daily. It may be wise to test the solution on a small part of unnoticeable skin in order to determine its suitability for your skin type. The concentration of vinegar solution can gradually be increased as the skin becomes accustomed to the vinegar.

There are some negatives to using apple cider vinegar. Firstly, it has a very strong and bitter taste. To combat this, try mixing it with fruit juice or chasing it with honey. Furthermore, as with any acid, it can damage the tooth enamel. Drinking through a straw will minimise the contact it has with the teeth. Should cider vinegar fail to work, professional products like Acnexus can also be beneficial.Discover more natural acne skin care tips and read my review of Acnexus at

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Cures for Cold Sores.

Copyright (c) 2007 Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S

My husband suffers frequently from cold sores in his mouth. Sometimes he can hardly eat they hurt so much. Is there something he can do to stop them or make them less painful?

Your question came in on the same day a similar one was addressed to Dr. Lamb and published in his nationally syndicated column. The headline for his article that day was "Mouth Ulcer Cure Unknown."

While some of these cases have been difficult to stop, most have yielded to prevention after a little detective work revealed the cause. The vast majority of cold sores are caused by the use of organic acid foods, usually when consumed in excess - but sometimes even in small quantities. Acid juices such as orange, tomato,grapefruit, pineapple, snappy tom, are commonly the culprit.

Juice becomes a problem for a couple of reasons. First of all, a glass of juice usually represents several pieces of the fruit. For example, most glasses of orange juice are made from three to five oranges. Not many of you would eat three to five oranges at one time day after day. Digestively most of us just can't handle that much acid. But that glass of juice is downed in seconds.

For a few people just eating one orange, strawberry or piece of pineapple will cause these painful ulcers the first fruit that comes in season. Chemically these food during the digestive process are broken down into carbon and water. However, some individuals find it difficult or impossible to utilize fruit acids. Prunes, plums, cran- berries, sour cherries and rhubarb are benzoic or oxalic acid fruits and these are particularly difficult to digest and should therefore be greatly minimized in dietary use.

Because so many individuals use canned and frozen varieties of juices it should be kept in mind that the fruit used for these purposes often is the poorest on the tree' the culls not acceptable for sale to eat. This fruit is higher in acidity and lower in sugar. In fact, the State of Florida allows addition of sugar to their orange juice in order to compete with ours in California.

A number of people who don't eat fruit also get cold sores. These herpetic or apthous ulcers are, insome, due to allergies. The most frequent offenders are chocolate, nuts, rye bread or rye crackers, but any food can be a cause. Making a list of everything one had to eat and drink for the one to two days before the breakout can, after a few attacks, lead to the trouble causer.

It has been found that the phosphorus level off the saliva of those people prone to cold sores is often lower in those having difficulty in digesting organic acid foods. Also, people with low amounts of the stomach's digestive acid are more prone as are hypothyroid cases A vast number of different kinds of treatments are prescribed by dentists to hand these ulcers once they occur.

Most of them have to be applied daily for a week to ten days.even when done professionally. One product which works extremely well, usually with only extremely well, usually with only one treatment, is Solution Negatan, a product of savage Laboratories. As it is caustic acid and not a home remedy, have your dentist or physician purchase the negatan and use it in treatment for you. It is excellent for any mucous membrane ulcer in the mouth or vagina but is absolutely non-effective on the lips or els where.

It is only slightly painful on application but wonderfully relieves the pain in but a few minutes, allowing immediate eating without discomfort. Home treatment with vitamin E ointment or an E capsule opened, and the oil rubbed on the ulcer, is helpful to many. Chewing vitamin E capsule to get the oil on the ulcer is somewhat easier than breaking or cutting a capsule. Lactobacillus acidophilus tablet or yogurt or buttermilk are also helpful to many cases as are supplements to replace deficient stomach acid. If you are fortunate to sense an ulcer just as it start to appear, a high dosage of vitamin B-complex will at times stop it in its tracks. Once established the B vitamins don't seem to affect the healing too greatly.


Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. is a Founder of the Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence That Root Canals Damage Your Health Learn What to Do. Learn how Dr. George Meinig discovered that a meticulous 25 year research program. To subscribe to the newsletter: Visit:
Edited and prepared by Sung Lee, alternate author

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