Saturday, November 5, 2011

Holistic Mental Health Emotional Wellness

Holistic Mental Health Emotional Wellness
 A holistic approach to mental health start by viewing mental health issues as emotional wellness. Depression and anxiety, stress and just having a difficult time with problems have been viewed with negative reaction. Now, however, there's a more holistic approach to mental health and personal wellness.
A holistic view infers that disease does not merely inhabit the body, but that it can infiltrate the mind and spirit as well. Therefore, holistic approach to mental wellness means the patient's physical, mental, and spiritual health will be carefully attend to.
Holistic or "wholistic" healing addresses all parts of the individual, not just the physical aspect of a person where manifested illnesses are most apparent. Holistic healing is not intended to serve as a band-aid or a one time fix. It is an ongoing journey of discovery in search of more answers and ultimately; living better, being healthier, and striving for wholeness.
The holistic approach should be viewed with an open mind. Sometimes we think and feel that western medical models are the only evidence based practices but that thought process couldn't be further from the truth. There is a great deal of scientific research confirming holistic approaches to mental health.
So a holistic approach to mental health may indeed include your basic talk therapy, but it also looks beyond that and connects with other alternative mental health therapies like diet, nutrition and changes in lifestyle to achieve optimal psychological functioning.
Main stream medicine or psychology has a very limited understanding and knowledge about the role of brain chemistry in mental health and the impact of diet, nutrition and chemicals in the environment on the brain.
With holistic mental health each person is treated according to their unique biochemical needs. Every situation is different from person to person, even when they share a common diagnosis.
For now this is Dr Tyler Woods saying walk in peace.
To learn more visit Natural Health and Wellness.

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