Monday, November 14, 2011

How Will Proper Nutrition Help Me Lose Weight?

help me lose weightIf you’ve tried diet after diet and you’re still hollering, “Please! Help me lose weight!” It’s because diets don’t work (obviously). Sure, they may help you drop a few pounds in the beginning, but the results are often short lived. Most diets require you to restrict your caloric intake to the point where your body is literally starving.
Not getting enough calories slows your metabolism down, causes the loss of lean muscle tissue, deprives you of the fuel you need to perform, and causes your body to hold on to stored fat for energy. In addition, diets are miserable, depressing, frustrating and not sustainable over the long term. Seriously, how long do you think you can survive off of grapefruits and cabbage?
Take it from a gal who has tried almost every diet on the market. Proper nutrition will give you better weight loss results than simply going on a diet. Here are three good reasons why.

Healthy Foods Are Naturally Low in Calories

Unlike processed junk, healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, beans naturally raised meats, organic poultry, raw nuts, seeds and organic eggs are naturally low in calories. When you eat reasonable portions of these foods, you automatically reduce your caloric intake and lose weight without feeling hungry, deprived or bitter.
There is so much nonsense in processed foods. When you eat them, your body doesn’t have a clue what to do with the calories; so they just get stored as fat. When you eat nutritious foods instead of processed junk, your body actually benefits from the calories so they are less likely to get stored as blubber.

Proper Nutrition Helps Fuel Your Body

All nutritious (and I mean truly nutritious) eating plans will allow plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and beans in the diet. These foods provide the healthy carbohydrates you need to fuel your body and keep your metabolism performing properly.
If you come across a diet that tells you not to eat healthy carbohydrates, run away from it as fast as you can. Your body absolutely has to have healthy carbohydrates (healthy being the operative word) to survive.

Eating Healthy to Burn Fat

Here’s some great news. Healthy diets that include protein can help you build lean muscle tissue, which can kick your metabolism into high gear. This is definitely a plus if you want to send that double chin packing.
When you eat protein rich foods, your body releases a hormone that helps you burn fat. Protein also helps make meals more satiating so you eat less (bring on the protein, baby). Some nutritious protein sources include naturally raised lean meats, organic poultry, beans, raw nuts and whole organic eggs.
Why put yourself through the drama of dieting just to be disappointed with the end results? Healthy eating is a much better option for dropping unwanted pounds. Remember though, nutritious eating is just one part of the weight loss puzzle. If you want to keep those results coming, get plenty of exercise and drink lots of water.
If you are serious about losing weight, watch this video to learn some of the things that help me lose weight and keep it off.
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July 18, 2011 | comments

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Metodo Gabriel, 3 Common Sense Healthy Eating Tips

Many people know that if you want a long life span and a body that is strong, eating healthy is of all importance. Your body is more capable of shaking off illnesses when it is full of health. Yet, so many people fail to establish a diet and mindset based on wise eating choices. You are helped when you take hold of the realization that along with healthy choices, are tips and plans apart from what you put in your mouth. Again, the habits in your eating and your actions, will impact how you feel overall. We will take some time to look at suggestions for your nutrition that will help you get to your goals in health and diet.If you overeat, you'll have a hard time staying healthy and slim, so watch your portions at all times. When you watch your portions of everything you consume, you can have more leeway in some ways. Many people's main problem isn't that they eat the wrong foods (though some do this), but that they eat them in huge quantities. One of the worst trends to hit the US was the super sized meal. Even when you sit down at a regular restaurant today you're likely to be given gigantic servings- or perhaps dish them out yourself at the salad bar. Eating too much is just a habit, and you have to recognize that you really don't need this much food. If you're eating out, ask for a take-out bag so you can eat the remainder the next day. It's important for you to be conscious of what you're eating, as many people aren't. People who don't think about how nutritious their meals are can easily develop poor long term eating habits. Before you can change how you eat, you have to be conscious of what your consuming. While sweets and junk food can be a problem, it can go beyond this. Many innocent looking foods, including those you cook at home, have too much salt, processed carbs or are high in trans or saturated fats. Consuming small amounts of such foods isn't usually a problem, but you can eat them less frequently and in smaller portions.Many people have trouble with their weight because they don't know when to stop eating. Many people eat until they feel full, and that is not the ideal approach. In order to get into the habit of eating smaller amounts, you should try a few helpful tactics. The best thing you can do is chew your food well. By spending more time chewing, everything, including the process of digestion will slow down. When you eat fast, your digestive system doesn't have time to register all the food, so you don't feel full right away; by slowing down the process, your stomach has time to know you've eaten enough, so you'll be full sooner. Medical professionals are in agreement that knowing your own eating habits and dietary preferences is key to making positive changes. That only makes good sense when you think about it.One size indeed does not fit all when it comes to proper nutrition. So perhaps assess your eating habits and unhealthy foods, and then look at how you can slowly adopt new eating behaviors. By metodo gabriel, cd metodo gabriel

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Why Herpes Is The Easiest Disease In The World To Cure

I know, I know, herpes has an unrelenting reputation as a scurge of incurable proportions. Fortunately for those that are made aware, there are many many ways to get immediate relief from the symptoms of herpes, (my website list almost thirty) and there are several very dependable ways to completely kill the herpes virus, eliminating the disease from your body, forever. All of them perfectly safe and totally natural.

First I will outline the top symptomatic cures, and then I will cover the most reliable holistic methods of permanently eradicating the herpes virus from your life, once and for all.

There are two methods of treating the symptoms of herpes which are; internal and external.

At the first signal of an outbreak, have ready, and reach for, your preferred symptomatic internal herpes treatment.

If that fails to turn the "flair up" around and sores begin to manifest anyway, while continuing to take your internal herpes cure, start applying locally your chosen preference for treating the external symptoms of herpes.

These herpes cures are all natural, so why not use two or more at the same time? Alternate them intermittently.

Internal Treatments For Herpes Symptoms

Bitter Melon is reported to work wonders for subduing cold sore out breaks. It's claimed if you take a couple of capsules as soon as you feel the beginning tinge of an outbreak, it will never manifest. People who take bitter melon on a regular basis claim to never have outbreaks except when they forget to take it.

Acidophilus It's claimed if you take a few capsules of acidophilus at the onset of an outbreak, it will never happen. It can be taken daily for constant protection as well.

L-Lysine is a favored herpes treatment by many of it's sufferers. One to two thousand milligrams four times a day is the recommended amount.

Garlic Take massive quantities of the odorless garlic softgels. I have heard of good results by taking a dozen or so of the softgels at the first sign of a tingling, and then three capsules every four hours, for the next several days.

Holly/Walnut Flower Essence is said to be a very potent remedy for treating the symptoms of herpes.

External Treatments For Herpes Symptoms

Acetone Dab a Q-tip with acetone on any herpes-1 or herpes-2 related cold sore several times a day, and keep the area dry with cornstarch for a very effective herpes treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful topical solution for cold sores. Use it full strength. Put it on with a Q-tip at the first sign of an eruption, and continue to do so at regular intervals until it's gone.

DMSO Gel is very much appreciated by cold sore sufferers. Put it on your lip as soon as you feel the tingling and it will keep the cold sore from appearing.

Honey is reported to be very dependable for healing cold sores, and heals them in as little as twenty four hours! Just dab on a little honey (unpasteurized) at the first sign of a cold sore, and continue to do so at least 3 to 4 times a day. It will stop the pain and itching instantly.

Alum is said to be an amazing cure for cold sores. It dries them out practically overnight! Keep applying it every two or three hours until the sore is gone.

Natural Methods To Cure Herpes

Symptomatic relief that actually works, is of course a relief. Still a cure is the obvious approach to herpes as once the virus is gone, not only are the symptoms as well, but also the fear of transmitting it to others. What could be better?

The Elemental Miracle is the most powerful natural antiviral known to man, and has been reported to completely eliminate both types of herpes by killing the virus itself. It has to be taken in maximum dosage twice a day for several weeks however, due to the stubborn nature of the disease.
Mixing it with DMSO and rubbing it on the spine, in addition to applying it externally on any cold sores, insures a complete herpes cure.

Oil of Oregano (Wild Mediterranean Variety) is another option for completely killing the herpes virus. It has been declared that regularly rubbing the oil vigorously over the spinal column, along with taking five drops under the tongue twice a day, will completely destroy the virus.

There are people who have reported being freed of herpes-2 in less than a month by this method. The reason it's recommended to rub the elemental miracle and/or oregano oil mixed with DMSO on the spine, is because that is where the virus lives even when dormant, and the DMSO helps drive these antivirals deep into the tissues directly to the source.
Also using oil of oregano mixed with DMSO on cold sores, is reported to be very effective.

Colloidal Silver has been credited with eliminating both herpes-1 and herpes-2 but it can take a few months. And it requires taking at least a tsp. three times a day, which makes this the most expensive of these three total cures for herpes.

So, there you have it. The reason "herpes is the easiest disease in the world to cure" is because if you start taking any one, or all three of these complete cures without waiting for another outbreak, you will never even know you ever had the disease in the first place.

Still if your not concerned about sharing it, or of it posing a constant threat, the symptomatic methods outlined here are amazingly dependable. I wish you all the best, and humbly encourage you to go all the way, and rid yourself of this menace for good! It's just too easy not to.

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Hives Treatment

Have you ever have a reddish rash start expanding over parts of your body? If you like me it has happened to you at least once in your life. This rash also itches and burns, which basically makes you miserable. You start trying to find out what caused you to break out with the hives. Did you start using a new detergent to wash your clothes, eat something you are allergic to, or maybe you have an insect bite? There are several other causes too as we will discuss. You also start looking for a cure for hives.

Does this all sound like something you have gone through? Well you are definitely not alone, it is reported that about 20 percent of people have had allergy hives or other kinds of hives at least one time maybe more during their lives. Along with food allergies, reactions to other allergens, and insect bites, you can also breakout with hives due to too much stress in your life.

Hives are also known as urticaria and they can last for a short time, and clear up without any hives treatment. Other times they can last for a month or more and be a more severe form called idiopathic urticaria, which a cause is often not found for this type of breakout. You have to have a series of tests usually to get the cause diagnosed.

While striving to find a cure for hives you will come across a variety of things to do for them. The doctor may even want you to take an antihistamine. But these often have side effects to them that you may find impair you by making you very sleepy. Some are so sedating that you should not drive while taking them. Then the topical chemically-based applications, that you can use are often messy, and even those can have side effects when needed for a long time.

Then you can find the homeopathic cure for hives, these types of cures contain all natural ingredients that do not give off any side effects. These cures are designed not just to get rid of the symptoms such as itching and swelling, but to get rid of the actually rash.

Some of the ingredients that are useful in these cures include such things as:

Lachesis - This does away with that burning feeling.
Arnica Montana - This alleviates bruised-type sensation that usually comes with a hives rash, and skin that become extremely sensitive.
Hepar - This relieves the redness, heat, and also the itching.
Apis Mellifica - This does away with the unbearable itching, swelling, and stinging pain.
Ichthyolum - This reduces the inflammation.

So search online for a cure for hives that has ingredients like this in it. You will see results in just a short amount of time and can get relief from the allergy hives, contacten hives, or any hives for that fact. No need to suffer anymore now that you know about this kind of hives treatment.

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Coconut Oil Weight Loss - What Is The Buzz About?

What's the most current on Coconut Oil Weight Loss? There have been many news pertaining to coconut oil not long ago, and every one of the health advantages that are being connected with it. One claim is that the coconut oil will increase weight-loss.

Virgin Coconut oil is best suited if you are searching to have an organic and natural, non-chemical method in weight loss quickly. People today usually believe that almost all oils and even fats are undesirable; that is a typical false impression. During the 1940�s farm owners believed the same point, these people thought providing the stock with saturated fats coming from coconut merchandise will fatten them up, yet the animals ended up slimmer than in the past!

A study revealed that supplying MCTs for six nights accelerated diet stimulated weight-loss by 50 percent by only adding fat to the diet! Coconut Oil Weight Loss can in fact promote thyroid gland activity and provide you with more energy thus push away craving for food.

A Liquid Diet Weight Loss is a partial or sometimes full meal replacement of fluids. A few weight loss plans is going to include changing a couple of daily meals of solid foods to liquids for instance commercially accessible milkshakes and also fresh drinks. However, you can find liquid diet programs which involve total fluid utilization. Basically, liquid diet is related to surgical procedures and not fat loss. Even so, liquid diet weight loss plans are open to help on your fat loss objectives.

The liquid diet is proven to cut down a person's calorie consumption, which can make it an excellent diet regime if you're hoping to shed unwanted weight. Through this sort of diet, you are able to get rid of 3 or 4 pounds each week. It is one among the shortest lose weight programs right now. The dietary plan is a lot more practical when compared with various other lose weight programs since it is simple to apply and straightforward to adhere to. Nonetheless, this isn't encouraged for long-term weight-loss ambitions.

Fasting with vegetables and fruit will let you lose weight quickly. Over the initial 7 days of juice fasting you are able to simply drop ranging from ten to forty pounds. While most that first fat loss is going to be water weight, it's still weight-loss nevertheless. After these seven days the weight loss gravitates from half-a-pound to 1 pound a day, depending upon the activity level as well as amount of juice you drink you take.

A 30-day Juice Fasting Plan will help a person to lose 25-to-40 pounds. But there are people who lose far more. There are those who do a month juice fast and eliminate 60 pounds. Some juice fasted for two months and lost 110 pounds! The amounts will vary based upon on the body. Should you adhere to the half-a-pound to one-pound-per-day, is already a win-win scene. Anything at all extra to this is already a bonus.

Listed here are many crucial Juice Fasting Benefits:

Newly made juices tend to be more beneficial to the body because these juices are loaded with healthy minerals.

Processed juices are pasteurized but they are nutritionally dry because through pasteurization high temperature eliminates the crucial nutritional value of the juice.

Going on a fast will help with the break down of dangerous toxins and emits their by-products in to the circulation of blood for elimination.

Also, Juice fasting increases the elimination of uric acids as well as other inorganic chemicals.

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Apple Cider Vinegar – a natural, organic path to clear skin

Furthermore, being 100% natural, with many organic brands available, it is suitable for those who want to avoid using harsh, man-made acne skin care products. Apple cider vinegar can become the core of an acne skin care regimen. For best results, it should be used orally and topically.

Why does drinking apple cider vinegar improve the skin?

When ingested, apple cider vinegar can help to detoxify the liver, keeping it strong and helping it to function fully. As anyone who has down the slightest research on beating acne knows, liver health is essential for a clear, glowing complexion. The skin is an organ just like any other. If the liver is forced to deal with too many toxins, it may excrete them through the skin, resulting in bacterial overload and eventually, acne. Therefore, poor liver function can result in acne. Apple cider vinegar can help keep the liver strong, thereby improving breakdown of toxins without excreting them through the skin. Apple cider vinegar can also improve the digestion. Being acidic, it can help to stimulate and regulate production of stomach acid, which is important for breaking down food particles and absorbing nutrients. This will provide a further aid to the skin.

How can applying apple cider vinegar topically improve the skin?

Applying apple cider vinegar topically to the skin surface can help to improve acne and also to reduce facial redness. It can also reduce the amount of sebum or oil on the skin's surface. One of the advantages of using apple cider vinegar is that it can improve the complexion as well as clearing up acne.

At first, it is best to dilute the vinegar to a 10% solution. This can then be dabbed on the skin using cotton pads up to three times daily. It may be wise to test the solution on a small part of unnoticeable skin in order to determine its suitability for your skin type. The concentration of vinegar solution can gradually be increased as the skin becomes accustomed to the vinegar.

There are some negatives to using apple cider vinegar. Firstly, it has a very strong and bitter taste. To combat this, try mixing it with fruit juice or chasing it with honey. Furthermore, as with any acid, it can damage the tooth enamel. Drinking through a straw will minimise the contact it has with the teeth. Should cider vinegar fail to work, professional products like Acnexus can also be beneficial.Discover more natural acne skin care tips and read my review of Acnexus at

For more information click here

Cures for Cold Sores.

Copyright (c) 2007 Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S

My husband suffers frequently from cold sores in his mouth. Sometimes he can hardly eat they hurt so much. Is there something he can do to stop them or make them less painful?

Your question came in on the same day a similar one was addressed to Dr. Lamb and published in his nationally syndicated column. The headline for his article that day was "Mouth Ulcer Cure Unknown."

While some of these cases have been difficult to stop, most have yielded to prevention after a little detective work revealed the cause. The vast majority of cold sores are caused by the use of organic acid foods, usually when consumed in excess - but sometimes even in small quantities. Acid juices such as orange, tomato,grapefruit, pineapple, snappy tom, are commonly the culprit.

Juice becomes a problem for a couple of reasons. First of all, a glass of juice usually represents several pieces of the fruit. For example, most glasses of orange juice are made from three to five oranges. Not many of you would eat three to five oranges at one time day after day. Digestively most of us just can't handle that much acid. But that glass of juice is downed in seconds.

For a few people just eating one orange, strawberry or piece of pineapple will cause these painful ulcers the first fruit that comes in season. Chemically these food during the digestive process are broken down into carbon and water. However, some individuals find it difficult or impossible to utilize fruit acids. Prunes, plums, cran- berries, sour cherries and rhubarb are benzoic or oxalic acid fruits and these are particularly difficult to digest and should therefore be greatly minimized in dietary use.

Because so many individuals use canned and frozen varieties of juices it should be kept in mind that the fruit used for these purposes often is the poorest on the tree' the culls not acceptable for sale to eat. This fruit is higher in acidity and lower in sugar. In fact, the State of Florida allows addition of sugar to their orange juice in order to compete with ours in California.

A number of people who don't eat fruit also get cold sores. These herpetic or apthous ulcers are, insome, due to allergies. The most frequent offenders are chocolate, nuts, rye bread or rye crackers, but any food can be a cause. Making a list of everything one had to eat and drink for the one to two days before the breakout can, after a few attacks, lead to the trouble causer.

It has been found that the phosphorus level off the saliva of those people prone to cold sores is often lower in those having difficulty in digesting organic acid foods. Also, people with low amounts of the stomach's digestive acid are more prone as are hypothyroid cases A vast number of different kinds of treatments are prescribed by dentists to hand these ulcers once they occur.

Most of them have to be applied daily for a week to ten days.even when done professionally. One product which works extremely well, usually with only extremely well, usually with only one treatment, is Solution Negatan, a product of savage Laboratories. As it is caustic acid and not a home remedy, have your dentist or physician purchase the negatan and use it in treatment for you. It is excellent for any mucous membrane ulcer in the mouth or vagina but is absolutely non-effective on the lips or els where.

It is only slightly painful on application but wonderfully relieves the pain in but a few minutes, allowing immediate eating without discomfort. Home treatment with vitamin E ointment or an E capsule opened, and the oil rubbed on the ulcer, is helpful to many. Chewing vitamin E capsule to get the oil on the ulcer is somewhat easier than breaking or cutting a capsule. Lactobacillus acidophilus tablet or yogurt or buttermilk are also helpful to many cases as are supplements to replace deficient stomach acid. If you are fortunate to sense an ulcer just as it start to appear, a high dosage of vitamin B-complex will at times stop it in its tracks. Once established the B vitamins don't seem to affect the healing too greatly.


Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. is a Founder of the Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence That Root Canals Damage Your Health Learn What to Do. Learn how Dr. George Meinig discovered that a meticulous 25 year research program. To subscribe to the newsletter: Visit:
Edited and prepared by Sung Lee, alternate author

For more information click here

Cures for Cold Sores.

Copyright (c) 2007 Sung Lee, and George Meinig D.D.S

My husband suffers frequently from cold sores in his mouth. Sometimes he can hardly eat they hurt so much. Is there something he can do to stop them or make them less painful?

Your question came in on the same day a similar one was addressed to Dr. Lamb and published in his nationally syndicated column. The headline for his article that day was "Mouth Ulcer Cure Unknown."

While some of these cases have been difficult to stop, most have yielded to prevention after a little detective work revealed the cause. The vast majority of cold sores are caused by the use of organic acid foods, usually when consumed in excess - but sometimes even in small quantities. Acid juices such as orange, tomato,grapefruit, pineapple, snappy tom, are commonly the culprit.

Juice becomes a problem for a couple of reasons. First of all, a glass of juice usually represents several pieces of the fruit. For example, most glasses of orange juice are made from three to five oranges. Not many of you would eat three to five oranges at one time day after day. Digestively most of us just can't handle that much acid. But that glass of juice is downed in seconds.

For a few people just eating one orange, strawberry or piece of pineapple will cause these painful ulcers the first fruit that comes in season. Chemically these food during the digestive process are broken down into carbon and water. However, some individuals find it difficult or impossible to utilize fruit acids. Prunes, plums, cran- berries, sour cherries and rhubarb are benzoic or oxalic acid fruits and these are particularly difficult to digest and should therefore be greatly minimized in dietary use.

Because so many individuals use canned and frozen varieties of juices it should be kept in mind that the fruit used for these purposes often is the poorest on the tree' the culls not acceptable for sale to eat. This fruit is higher in acidity and lower in sugar. In fact, the State of Florida allows addition of sugar to their orange juice in order to compete with ours in California.

A number of people who don't eat fruit also get cold sores. These herpetic or apthous ulcers are, insome, due to allergies. The most frequent offenders are chocolate, nuts, rye bread or rye crackers, but any food can be a cause. Making a list of everything one had to eat and drink for the one to two days before the breakout can, after a few attacks, lead to the trouble causer.

It has been found that the phosphorus level off the saliva of those people prone to cold sores is often lower in those having difficulty in digesting organic acid foods. Also, people with low amounts of the stomach's digestive acid are more prone as are hypothyroid cases A vast number of different kinds of treatments are prescribed by dentists to hand these ulcers once they occur.

Most of them have to be applied daily for a week to ten days.even when done professionally. One product which works extremely well, usually with only extremely well, usually with only one treatment, is Solution Negatan, a product of savage Laboratories. As it is caustic acid and not a home remedy, have your dentist or physician purchase the negatan and use it in treatment for you. It is excellent for any mucous membrane ulcer in the mouth or vagina but is absolutely non-effective on the lips or els where.

It is only slightly painful on application but wonderfully relieves the pain in but a few minutes, allowing immediate eating without discomfort. Home treatment with vitamin E ointment or an E capsule opened, and the oil rubbed on the ulcer, is helpful to many. Chewing vitamin E capsule to get the oil on the ulcer is somewhat easier than breaking or cutting a capsule. Lactobacillus acidophilus tablet or yogurt or buttermilk are also helpful to many cases as are supplements to replace deficient stomach acid. If you are fortunate to sense an ulcer just as it start to appear, a high dosage of vitamin B-complex will at times stop it in its tracks. Once established the B vitamins don't seem to affect the healing too greatly.


Dr. George Meinig, D.D.S., F.A.C.D. is a Founder of the Association of Root Canal Specialists Discovers Evidence That Root Canals Damage Your Health Learn What to Do. Learn how Dr. George Meinig discovered that a meticulous 25 year research program. To subscribe to the newsletter: Visit:
Edited and prepared by Sung Lee, alternate author

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Thai Food: Mee Ka Ti and Choo Chee Pla Recipe

Mee Ka Ti (Rice Vermicelli with Coconut Cream)


Ingredients Weight
Mee Ka Ti sauce 1250 g
Soaked rice vermicelli 750 g
Bean sprouts 200 g
Chinese chives cut 1.5 inches 40 g
Coconut milk 200 g

Note: This portion is for 6-8 servings.


1. Pour coconut milk into a frying pan. When boiled, put the rice vermicelli and stir-fry it for a while.
2. Pour in half of Mee Ka Ti sauce and stir-fry until the water has reduced away.
3. Sprinkle bean sprouts and Chinese chives. Stir-fry for a while and then remove from the heat.
4. Top Mee Ka Ti with the rest of sauce.
5. Sprinkle with sliced omelet and sliced chili spur pepper (option).
6. Serve with vegetables such as banana blossom, Chinese chives and bean sprouts etc.


Sauce Ingredient
Ingredients Weight
Chili Paste
Sliced shallots 100 g
White fermented 100 g
Chopped cilantro root 10 g
Pepper 3 g
Dried chilies 2 g
Minced pork 100 g
Minced prawn 150 g
Sliced tofu 100 g
Palm sugar 140 g
Tamarind juice 80 g
Salt 13 g
Coconut milk 350 g
Water 250 g

Note: The sauce portion will be 1250 grams


1. Blend the mixture of chili paste ingredients and some coconut cream until smooth.
2. Stir-fry the paste at a low heat. Then add prawn, pork and tofu. Stir-fry until the ingredients are cooked.
3. Add sugar, salt and tamarind juice.
4. Pour water, and the rest of the coconut milk. Simmer the sauce for a while and then remove from the heat.


Choo Chee Pla (Curry Cooked Fish)


Ingredients Weight
Choo Chee sauce 200 g
Sliced fish fillets 150 g
Shredded red spur chilies 2 g
Shredded kaffir lime leaves 1 g


1. Heat Choo Chee sauce until boiled in a pan. Add fish fillets and bring to boil.
2. Turn the fish over. Wait until the fish is cooked and looks soaked.
3. Serve on a plate and sprinkle with shredded red chilies and kaffir lime


Choo Chee Pla Sauce Ingredients

Chili Paste
Sliced shallots 35 g
Garlic 30 g
Dried chilies 10 g
Dried hot chilies 2 g
Lemon grass 10 g
Galangal 4 g
Cilantro root 5 g
Kaffir lime rind 2 g
Salt 4 g
Pepper 1 g
Shrimp paste 8 g

Coconut milk 550 g
Water 380 g
Fish sauce 25 g
Palm sugar 20 g
Shredded kaffir lime leaves 4 g

Note: This recipe makes 830 grams of sauce.


1. Pound the chili paste ingredients finely.
2. Stir-fry the chili paste with some of the coconut milk until fragrant. Gradually add 2/3 of coconut milk.
3. Add fish sauce and palm sugar, allow to melt.
4. Add the rest of the coconut milk and water. Bring to the boil and then sprinkle the shredded kaffir lime leaves. Remove from the heat.

For more information click here

Colon Cleansing - is No New Thing

Colon cleansing is all the rage these days. From Internet and Infomercial hawkers to exclusive spas and resorts, it seems like everyone is trying to, ummm, clean the junk out of their trunk. Cleansing in the form of enemas goes back a long way, however, as even the ancients discovered the healthful benefits of the practice.

The first written mention of enema cleansing or colon therapy comes from an Ancient Egyptian medical document dating from 1500 BCE. It seems the Egyptians employed purgatives, enemas, diuretics and even bleeding to treat diverse gastrointestinal ailments. Another Ancient Egyptian papyrus scroll includes recipes for colon cleansing that include opium, hemlock, various copper salts, and Castor oil. The ancient pharmacists employed enemas, suppositories, chants, charms and incantations as part of their cleansing therapies. The Egyptian remedies must have been effective, because they were given admiration and mention by the Ancient Greeks. At least one pharaoh had a doctor specifically just for his colon cleansing therapies.

The primitive ancients of South America used the first latex, in the form of rubber bags and tubes. Tribes in Central Africa and remote Asia also used enemas in their magical, medical practices. The priests, medicine men or shamans would employ a hollow reed and the nearby river or stream to perform colon cleansings, often with dubious results. Native American tribes developed a method using an animal bladder and a hollow bird's leg bone to perform ritual cleansings. Many of the ancients, form the Egyptians to the Native Americans believed that most illnesses had to do with either food or air, and could thus be solved by either respiratory treatments or enemas.

The Taoist monk's training regimen included regular colon cleansing therapy through the use of enemas. The Hindus also developed the practice as part of their ritual cleansing and philosophy of bodily purity.

In ancient China, a classic text on internal medicine that can be dated to the 3rd century BCE speaks of numerous methods and treatments for colon cleansing. Not to be outdone by his unknown ancient counterpart, the 10th century Sung dynasty physician, Chang Sung-Chen, wrote his own extensive treatise on the many benefits and methods of colon cleansing therapies.

The Mayan and Aztec societies of Central and South America included ritual enemas in many of their ceremonies. Some of the more primitive surviving South American tribes continue the practice to this day, as part of religious and ceremonial rites.

In Western medicine, all three of the great "founding fathers" - Galen, Hippocrates and Paracelsus - described their practices, prescriptions and "recipes" for "enematas" in the treatises and writings they left behind.

Shakespeare mentions enemas. So does Gulliver's Travels. Medieval medical texts prescribe them for ailments as diverse as constipation to measles. They were thought to balance the humors in the blood and bile, two of the elements present in the body and responsible for our overall health. The French king Louis XIV subjected himself to over 2000 enemas to ensure his health and long life. (Must've worked - he lived to be 77 - a remarkable age for his day.) French ladies thought that daily enemas would aid in digestion. Enemas were also thought to promote healthy, youthful skin, which may explain their popularity among the ladies at court.

Sometime in the 17th century, the enema came to be known as the "clyster" and was administered using a clyster syringe. The Puritanical notions of the period created a bent-nosed syringe, so that ladies could administer their own enemas in private, without the aid of a servant or physician. By this time, lying on one's side had replaced the traditional position of kneeling, as well. No real health reason or benefit is given for this change - perhaps it had something to do with the modesty of the patient, as well.

The late 19th century saw the invention and widespread use of the enema bag, perhaps another attempt to personalize the procedure and preserve patient modesty. (The bag has remained the preferred way to administer colon cleanses to this day.) The mechanization of the late 19th and early 20th century brought about the use of colon cleansing machines, utilized by doctors and health spas and even found in some of the more posh hotels of the day. In the 1920's and 30's, between the World Wars, enema treatments were commonly prescribed by physicians, and came to be common practice in hospitals. After World War II, however, the popularity of the practice declined. Enemas were seen as old-fashioned and unnecessary, as new medications and other treatments for ailments and diseases came into being.

A resurgence of "natural" health remedies, as well as a new-round interest in overall health in the late 20th century and early 21st has once again seen the enema and other colon cleansing treatments regain some of their former popularity among health professionals and patients is a leading source of information, tips and enema products. Live a healthier, longer life. Visit online today.
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Coconut Oil Weight Loss - What Is The Buzz About?

What's the most current on Coconut Oil Weight Loss? There have been many news pertaining to coconut oil not long ago, and every one of the health advantages that are being connected with it. One claim is that the coconut oil will increase weight-loss.

Virgin Coconut oil is best suited if you are searching to have an organic and natural, non-chemical method in weight loss quickly. People today usually believe that almost all oils and even fats are undesirable; that is a typical false impression. During the 1940�s farm owners believed the same point, these people thought providing the stock with saturated fats coming from coconut merchandise will fatten them up, yet the animals ended up slimmer than in the past!

A study revealed that supplying MCTs for six nights accelerated diet stimulated weight-loss by 50 percent by only adding fat to the diet! Coconut Oil Weight Loss can in fact promote thyroid gland activity and provide you with more energy thus push away craving for food.

A Liquid Diet Weight Loss is a partial or sometimes full meal replacement of fluids. A few weight loss plans is going to include changing a couple of daily meals of solid foods to liquids for instance commercially accessible milkshakes and also fresh drinks. However, you can find liquid diet programs which involve total fluid utilization. Basically, liquid diet is related to surgical procedures and not fat loss. Even so, liquid diet weight loss plans are open to help on your fat loss objectives.

The liquid diet is proven to cut down a person's calorie consumption, which can make it an excellent diet regime if you're hoping to shed unwanted weight. Through this sort of diet, you are able to get rid of 3 or 4 pounds each week. It is one among the shortest lose weight programs right now. The dietary plan is a lot more practical when compared with various other lose weight programs since it is simple to apply and straightforward to adhere to. Nonetheless, this isn't encouraged for long-term weight-loss ambitions.

Fasting with vegetables and fruit will let you lose weight quickly. Over the initial 7 days of juice fasting you are able to simply drop ranging from ten to forty pounds. While most that first fat loss is going to be water weight, it's still weight-loss nevertheless. After these seven days the weight loss gravitates from half-a-pound to 1 pound a day, depending upon the activity level as well as amount of juice you drink you take.

A 30-day Juice Fasting Plan will help a person to lose 25-to-40 pounds. But there are people who lose far more. There are those who do a month juice fast and eliminate 60 pounds. Some juice fasted for two months and lost 110 pounds! The amounts will vary based upon on the body. Should you adhere to the half-a-pound to one-pound-per-day, is already a win-win scene. Anything at all extra to this is already a bonus.

Listed here are many crucial Juice Fasting Benefits:

Newly made juices tend to be more beneficial to the body because these juices are loaded with healthy minerals.

Processed juices are pasteurized but they are nutritionally dry because through pasteurization high temperature eliminates the crucial nutritional value of the juice.

Going on a fast will help with the break down of dangerous toxins and emits their by-products in to the circulation of blood for elimination.

Also, Juice fasting increases the elimination of uric acids as well as other inorganic chemicals.

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Juicing Benefits - Health And Wellness In A Completely Different Type

You may undoubtedly locate the positive aspects of juicing the ones of any age can make essentially the most of and you can find lots of them. In fact juicing positive aspects are quickly becoming the focal point of quite a few wholesome weight reduction programs and life styles. Youthful youngsters, teens, grownups and also the seniors can all benefit tremendously from juicing their quite own fruits and veggies each and every day. You are going to discover a good deal In the event you wish to discover much more concerning the benefits of juicing which you could expertise for in such a practice.

Possibly one of the most well-liked juicing positive aspects you may run into is getting the capability to strengthen your defence mechanisms. The reason is the fact that vegetables and fruits supply you with plenty of minerals and vitamins which will help the body defend it against several infections, ailments combined with other concerns. Truly taking in juice produced from vegetables and fruits every single day will support keep sickness away every day.

You may discover several benefits to juicing fresh fruits & veggies by over eating the whole food. By looking into developing juices from fruits and veggies the body has the capacity to rapidly assimilate and absorb all of the minerals, vitamins and dietary value the meals hold. Because it bypasses the digestion procedure that whole foods need. The adding nourishment to nutrition is really easily transported over the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream so that your body may use them immediately. One procedure of that is that numerous people prepare their veggies before eating them when really veggies and fruits are much more wholesome eaten raw.

Nutrition which is actually the answer to your metabolic process is located in fresh meals. They transform all what food you are ingesting into energy body tissues as a result increasing your rate of metabolism. This can support you to burn fat faster which really results in fat reduction.

Among the most popular factors behind juicing is that it could be tailored. You may produce quality recipes which are distinct to your preference & needs. Simply by understanding which nutrition is advantageous together with the remedy and cure for particular illnesses or trouble? You may make your own formulas based on necessary vitamin content, minerals and nutrition that you simply will undoubtedly demand. Throughout the creation of your personal formulas you have to record it in a simple to follow manual concerning how to tailor build your personal formulas.

It is not necessary to have anything fancy to be able to make use of in the advancement of Juicing Benefits. You need to simply choose a juicer which will perform best to your requirements after which invest in making yourself something tasty to eat each and every morning. You can decide on a variety of options.

Whether you have to slim down put on weight or just build muscle and lose some extra body fat among the best positive aspects of juicing is that you simply can achieve some of this by using daily fruits and vegetable juices. These juices help to provide you with wholesome nutrition which will assist you stay nourished until lunchtime they aid to curb any sugar cravings that keeps a particular person on track with a nutritious diet program plus they taste awesome too.

Arlie Marshall has been in the field of Juicing Benefits for a long time and maintains a website about Healthy Vegetable Recipes where you can get answers to the rest of your questions.

For more information click here

Benefits of a Spa Jacuzzi

Most of us know that when you use a Spa it is very good for us.

From that very moment that your feet enter and your shoulders submerge into that bubbling luxuriant warm water you will feel that warm welcoming glow that envelops you.

What better way, when it is cold, than to just warm up in a Spa and equally what better way is there to cool off when it's warm.

Whether it is just that very special respite that we all seek in a mind calming way at the end of an exhausting working day or perhaps it is simply being able to spend that special quality time with your family, friends and loved ones.

The quality of your life will increase considerably, improving your health and happiness from the very many therapeutic benefits that flow from a hydro-massage of warm jetted water. One need's to discover yourself the very many benefits of Hot Tub ownership and the lifestyle filled with hydro massage, peace, relaxation and pleasant memories that automatically goes with it.

What a fantastic way to get the water therapy that you need and refresh your mind and body at the same time.

The very clever physical properties of water make it an ideal medium in which to exercise and to treat muscle, neck, shoulder and back pain. The simple advantages that water provides to help with hydro-massage and hydrotherapy is related to the buoyancy, viscosity and hydrostatic pressure effects of water.

Buoyancy - The flotation effect of water helps to counterbalance gravity to a limited degree and thereby helps to support your body weight and using different massage seats in the Spa can control this. So in simple terms a direct result of being immersed in water is that the buoyancy and semi-buoyancy effect dramatically reduce ones own body weight possibly by as much as 90% and in so doing this simply reduces the weight pressure on Muscles, Tendons and Joints.

This semi buoyancy can be a support to the development of improved balance and strength and some simple exercises such as stretching and flexing can be carried out.

Viscosity - Water naturally provides gentle resistance by means of friction and this combined with a mixture of pressure provided by the warmed water allows one to strengthen and gently improve the condition of aches and pains, while at the same time reducing the risk of further injury due to loss of balance.

Hydrostatic pressure - there are powerful effects produced by hydrostatic pressure that improve heart and lung function, making some gentle exercise a very useful way to maintain and strengthen heart and lung function. This pressure effect greatly improves the blood flow to the muscles.

Together, these properties allow for treatment of aches & pains, and the buoyancy effect allows you to reduce the weight placed on your body while stretching in the Spa. For example, individuals with osteoarthritis in the neck and shoulder could practice arm circles or shoulder rolls in water to improve their range of motion and strength. Because the water provides a mild resistance but it also provides support through buoyancy, the person would most likely not experience the pain caused when a tired arm drops suddenly, as can happen at the end of other exercises.

Now that you have some idea of the very many benefits of having a spa you need to be careful when looking so that when you buy you do not actually end up in real Hot Water so here are a few simple points to consider.

As with many things in life it does pay to buy the best quality that one can afford, from a manufacturer who has been established for many decades as opposed to perhaps a cheap import. Remember the old saying, buying cheap can often mean that you end up buying twice.

So, my best advice is, that one should, only buy a product that is well built by an American or Western, internationally recognized, producer of Hot Tubs and then there is every chance that the product will last and last and give very many years of faultless performance.

The reason is simple the internationally recognized producer backs his products with a real guarantee, so if it has a fault it falls back on the manufacturer not on you. As you can imagine these manufacturers have had decades of experience and they build them with the proper parts and components so it will not fail and it is for that reason and that reason alone that they are prepared to provide a long life guarantee.


The author Jacuzzi John (JJ) supplies premium quality American & European Hot Tubs from Estepona on the Costa Del Sol in Spain and his web site is at Hot Tubs Spain

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Product Review - The Breg Polar Care 500 Cold Therapy Unit Following Knee Surgery

Why do I need a cold therapy machine?

The two most common side effects of an orthopedic injury or surgery are pain and swelling. These conditions affect the healing process and can lead to longer rehabilitation times. Cold therapy is widely recognized as one of the most effective treatment methods to combat these issues.

Compared to ice and gel packs that provide intense cold over a small area & for a short period of time, requiring frequent trips to the freezer, cold therapy systems, such as the Polar Care 500 can deliver a continuous flow of cold therapy through circulation pads that are specifically designed for different body parts and applications.

The Polar Care 500 can deliver cold within a comfortable temperature range that allows for longer-term application according to your physician's prescribed treatment protocol.

The Breg Polar Care 500 unit includes a low voltage submersible pump with in-line thermometer and flow valve for temperature control from 35-70 degrees. During use, the pump is submerged in the cooler and connected to a Polar Pad with self sealing couplings. A wall transformer provides power to the pump.

Easy-to-use temperature control gauge that allows for flexibility in adjusting the temperature of the continuous Cold Therapy pad between 35° - 70°. The motor for the Polar Care 500 has an industry-wide track record for reliability. All parts of the Polar Care 500 system can be individually replaced making it more economical to replace a worn out part.

At 11 quarts, the Polar Care 500 has the largest capacity cooler of any single-patient use, continuous Cold Therapy unit on the market and can provide 8 - 11 hours of continuous cold therapy.

Several accessories are available for the Polar Care 500 which enhances its use.

A "Y" adapter can be purchased that allow two extremities to be treated simultaneously. A wide selection of sterile and non-sterile pads are available to fit most every part of your body.

Polar Wraps can be wrapped around each of the Polar Pads, allowing patients to conveniently secure the pads to the affected area without using additional wraps or bandages. The Polar Wraps also control pad condensation.

The Breg Polar Care 500 has a 180 day warranty.

It is highly recommended that you consult with your treating physician before purchasing any cold therapy unit. This unit should only be used under direct supervision of a licensed health care practitioner.

Cryotherapy should not be used by persons with Diabetes, Raynaud's or other vasospastic disease, cold hypersensitivity, or compromised local circulation.


One of the premiere websites that sells the Breg Polar Care 500 and provides a wealth of information on other cold therapy products is The Brace Shop, Inc. is one of the fastest growing brace companies in the USA. They provide one of the largest selections of extremity braces, therapy products & accessories on the internet.

For more information click here

Free Divorce Records Search: Can You Search for Copies of Public Divorce Records for Free?

It is possible to find free divorce records if you are looking for records from a long time ago. Until the 19th century, divorce was almost unheard of. If in fact you are seeking divorce records that you know date back this far, you may be able to find them using sites like Ancestry and RootsWeb.

Or, you can check your local library to see if they have a local history room. Many libraries do have such a room where vital records from centuries past are kept. Another place to look is your city or county government building. Of course, if you are seeking modern divorce records you will need to pay a fee.

There are various reasons why you may need to find divorce records. One reason is that you are getting remarried and need to provide a certified copy of your previous divorce records in order to get a marriage license. Or, you may be seeking divorce records for someone else.

Divorce records are public and available to anyone who pays the applicable fee. How much it will cost to obtain these records depends on the state in which you live. For example, it costs $10 in New York City to get divorce records. In California, the cost is $13. Certain states have varying costs when it comes to their public records.

The Internet can be a very helpful resource when you are searching for vital records. For example, the website of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) offers plenty of information about obtaining birth and death certificates as well as marriage and divorce records from all the states. You can find out where to write for information and how much the records are going to cost you. Another option is to use web sites like SearchSystems or Akiba. These sites can often help you obtain the records you need quickly and easily, for a fee of course. Usually these fees may be a bit more than your Vital Records Department will charge but for the convenience of doing business online it is often worth it.

The final option if others are not viable is to obtain the services of a private investigator. Private eyes can usually get their hands on all sorts of records not available in other avenues. This option is the most expensive, but will save you time and the process is guaranteed success or no money is exchanged.


To Learn How to Conduct a Divorce Court Records Search in Your State, Go to

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How to tell your boss your expecting!

HOW TO TELL YOUR BOSS YOUR EXPECTING!By Roxanna Ward~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Great news, you're having a baby! Not everybody will find he news sogreat. Eventually you are going to start glowing and people aroundyou are going to notice that you are pregnant. So, before it becomesa rumor, tell your direct supervisor. Don't tell him in a letter oremail. Do it in person. Then you can tell your other co-workers.Set up a meeting with your boss to review the upcoming changes. Youshould discuss your pending maternity leave. Who will cover for youand will you be given plenty of time to train the right person. Howdoes your company deal with unexpected difficulties like unplannedbedrest or hospitalization? How long will you be away from work anddo you plan on returning? Do they offer work from homeopportunities? Find out your companies policies as far as your howyour seniority will be affected by a leave of absence. Will yourtime away affect your next pay increase? Find out from other co-workers what they have negotiated in the past so you will have aguideline to go by. Prepare a proposal of your needs and desires sothat you are preparred for the meeting. But be flexable to get whatyou want.After you know your companies policies, know your rights. Find outwhat federal rights you are entitled to after giving birth. Is athere a time limit? Are there a number of required hours you musthave been employed? Your local government branch should have someinformation for you. If at any time you feel you have beendiscriminated against due to your pregnancy, contact legal advise.Remain open minded and not paranoid. Just because your boss is asuccessful single person without children, does not mean that he isupset over your news. Being open and honest early on in yourpregnancy, can lead to a stree free working enviroment. Chances arethat your co-workers are going to be thrilled to celebrate thisoccasion with you and the rest of your family.Roxanna Ward, Community leader and staff writer for, lives in Georgia with her husband andher three children. As a published freelance writer the focus of herwriting is concentrated on sharing household tips, her experiencewith her frugal lifestyle as well as the phenomenal process ofbreastfeeding, child rearing related issues and romanticrelationships. She is also currently the Editor of three newsletters:What's New at BabyU?, Intimate Encounters and At Home with BabyUniversity. Roxanna can be contacted at Roxanna30135@...

For more information click here

Federal Drug Crimes and Sentencing

Under federal law, 21 U.S.C. § 812, there are five schedules of controlled drugs. The schedules are designated I, II, III, IV and V. Every controlled narcotic drug is listed in one of the schedules. Knowing to which schedule a particular drug belongs is important because it determines the penalty for the offense. The most severe penalties are designated for offenses involving drugs listed in Schedules I and II.

Schedule I includes heroin, marijuana, LSD, mescaline, and peyote.

Schedule II lists opium, cocaine, methadone, amphetamine, as well as other substances.

Schedule III includes nalorphine, anabolic steroids and lysergic acid.

Schedule IV includes meprobamate, barbital, chloral hydrate, and paraldehyde. Most drugs listed in Schedule IV are hypnotics and sedatives.

Schedule V lists Codeine mixed with other ingredients. These drugs have a low potential for abuse compared to the drugs in Schedule IV, are used for medical use, and have a potential for limited physical dependence or psychological dependence as compared to the drugs in Schedule IV.

What are Federal Drug Offenses?

Possession One commonly prosecuted federal drug crime is possession. 21 U.S.C. § 844 makes it a federal crime to possess a controlled substance without a valid prescription. The possession must occur ''knowingly'' and ''intentionally.'' It makes no difference what the amount of the substance was; amount does matter for sentencing purposes once the defendant is guilty of possession. Section 844 discusses several penalties for drug possession that vary depending on the circumstances. A first offense normally has no mandatory minimum of imprisonment and a maximum of one year assuming there are no prior state or federal convictions for drug offenses. If there is one prior conviction for a drug offense there is a minimum of 15 days with a maximum of two years imprisonment. Where there are two or more drug convictions, there is a minimum of 90 days and a maximum of three years.

The situation is drastically different when the person possessed cocaine base, also known as crack. For a first offender, there is a minimum sentence of five years if the possession involved more than 5 grams. For the second time offender, there is a five year mandatory imprisonment for possession of only 3 grams or more. Two or more prior crack convictions will bring the five year mandatory sentence if the new conviction is for possession of only one gram or more.

Manufacture, Delivery or Possession with Intent to Deliver.

21 U.S.C. § 841(a)(1), is used in most of federal drug prosecutions. The statute makes it a crime to knowingly or intentionally manufacture, distribute, dispense, or possess a controlled substance with the intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense. Section 841 provides truly draconian penalties that depend on several factors such as the nature and quantity of the drug, and the prior record for drug convictions of the defendant. Generally, minimum terms of imprisonments are at least 5 years (up to life) for first time offenders, 10 years (up to life) for second and third time offenders. Distribution to Persons Under Age Twenty-One Under 21 U.S.C. § 859, it is a crime for a person eighteen years or older to distribute a controlled substance to a person under the age of twenty-one. The maximum penalties are doubled and tripled for second and third time offenders respectively and the minimum imprisonment is at least one year.

Distribution or Manufacture in or Near Schools and Colleges

It is a separate offense under 21 U.S.C. § 860 to distribute or manufacture a controlled substance in, on or within 1,000 feet of a school, college, playground or a public housing facility, or within 100 feet of a public or private youth center, a public pool, or a video arcade facility. Penalties for this crime range from the mandatory one year imprisonment minimum to twice the maximum punishment applicable for the same offense under 21 U.S.C. § 841(b). A second time offender will be eligible for a minimum 3 year imprisonment; the maximum sentence may be from three times the maximum imposed under Section 841(b) to a term of life imprisonment.

Continuing Criminal Enterprise

21 U.S.C. § 848 prohibits ''engaging in a continuing criminal enterprise (CCE). A CCE means engaging (together with five or more others) in a federal felony drug violation, which is part of a ''continuing series'' of violations of the federal drug laws. To be convicted under this law, the defendant must also play the role of an organizer, a supervisor, or a manager in the organization and he or she must have received substantial resources or income from the enterprise. A first offender under Section 848 is eligible for a mandatory minimum term of 20 years and a maximum term of life in prison. A second time offender is subject to a mandatory minimum term of 30 years imprisonment with a maximum of life. However, under some circumstances, the penalties can increase to a life sentence or even death penalty.


One of the most widely used statutes in federal drug prosecutions is conspiracy. Under 21 U.S.C. § 846, to secure conviction in a drug conspiracy case, the prosecutors must prove that two more persons had an agreement to commit a federal drug offense and that the defendant knew the purpose of the agreement and then deliberately joined the conspiracy. Convicted conspirator are subject to the same penalties as those imposed for the substantive offense that the conspiracy intended to commit. Federal conspiracy cases are often difficult to defend because Federal Rules of Evidence allow admission of ''a statement by a co-conspirator of a party during the course and in furtherance of the conspiracy'' as non-hearsay. This rule makes it easier for the government to use statements made by co-conspirators.

Import/Export Offenses

21 U.S.C. §§ 952 and 953 prohibit importing and exporting controlled substances into and out of the United States except for some exceptions that involve specific scientific purposes and the authorization of the Attorney General.

Racketeering and Corrupt Organizations

The anti-racketeering statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1962(c), is used against larger drug organizations. The RICO statute is aimed at interstate criminal enterprises that conduct their business through a pattern of racketeering. To obtain conviction on a RICO charge, the government must prove several facts, including the existence of an enterprise, that the enterprise affected interstate commerce, that the defendant was associated with the enterprise and that he participated in the business of the enterprise, and that such participation was through a pattern of racketeering activity through a knowing commission of at least two racketeering acts within ten years of each other. A RICO conviction carries a maximum of 20 years imprisonment, however, in some cases it could be a life imprisonment.

Drug Related Firearms Charges

Federal firearm charges are not technically related to federal drug charges; however they are commonly used in drug prosecutions. Under 18 U.S.C. § 924(c), there is a minimum 5-year sentence for anyone who uses or carries a gun during and in relation to any federal drug or violence crime.

Sentencing for Federal Drug Crimes.

Sentencing in federal criminal cases is a complex process where many important factors are considered. Federal criminal statutes provide for minimum and maximum penalties, but the actual sentencing until fairly recently was controlled by the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. The Guidelines are now discretionary but they still remain very important in the sentencing process. Along with the Sentencing Guidelines, there are other equally important considerations which weight heavily with the sentencing court: cooperation with authorities, quantity of the drug in question, entering the guilty plea and previous criminal history of the defendant. These factors can significantly reduce the Sentencing Guideline calculations. Judges may and do consider cooperation and other factors as grounds for a lighter sentence, sometimes even below the mandatory minimum.


Joseph Potashnik is a criminal defense attorney who defends individuals facing criminal charges in New York City and New Jersey. You can visit his websites at for NY and for NJ.

For more information click here

Medical Billing Software - 4 Ways to Improve Efficiency and Increase Productivity In Your Practice

The day to day operations of a medical practice can be difficult to manage efficiently. Medical billing software can make this much easier by simplifying accounting and insurance billing, improving office efficiency and increasing productivity. Medical billing software can help your office:

1. Achieve fast and accurate insurance billing. Medical billing software can help keep your billing accurate and timely by allowing you to bill every type of health insurance, create custom claim forms, and keep track of unsent claims. Practices can reduce rejections and errors, shorten payment time, and improve cash flow with electronic claim submission. This can save your practice substantial time and money.

2. Simplify accounting. With open item accounting, medical billing software makes it easy to know what hasn't been paid and match payments to individual charges. View complete account activity faster, such as account adjustments, payments and charges. Some software also offers features like patient reminder billing, multiple fee schedules, patient and insurance aging reports, and allows you to hold statements until a patients' insurance has paid in full.

3. Increase productivity. For most businesses, wasted time means lost money. Medical billing software can help your staff save time by allowing them to work on multiple things at once. Patient information is stored in a standard format, allowing you to share all data with your other programs. As simple to learn as other Window programs, many offer shortcuts and standard Windows menus to enable easy access to all program functions. Print your claims, statements and reports easily on any Windows compatible printer. Medical billing software can also help you manage the flow of patients better to maximize the doctors' productive time.

4. Improve office efficiency. Some software offers reports such as the practice analysis report, patient referral report, audit report, or allows you to design and customize your own. You can schedule appointments easily with a patient scheduling program, or schedule patient recall reminders with the recall system. Some offer features such as a day sheet to keep track of payment, charge and account adjustments for easy closing each day.

Enhance the way your practice is run with medical billing software. Look for easy to use software that adapts to the office systems already in place, and helps to increase productivity by simplifying office tasks. Simplify accounting to keep better tract of what your patients owe, save time with fast and accurate billing, reduce rejections, and get your money faster. Gain more time to focus on your goals and patient care.


Amy Abney works with Complete Medical Billing, specialists in medical billing software. With quality products such as MediSoft and Lytec software, they've helped hundreds of doctors' offices and medical billing services across the nation cut costs and improve patient care. Please visit or call 888.777.9949 to learn more.

For more information click here

Intermittent Fasting Tips: 7 Ways to Combat Hunger

Intermittent fasting - not eating for 16-36 hours a few times a week - is a safe, effective way to lose fat and improve health overall.

The wonderful thing is that after fasting several times, hunger greatly diminishes on your fasting days, often disappearing completely.

But if hunger is ever bothersome for you, particularly if you're new to intermittent fasting and going through the adaptation period, here are 7 tips that can help:

1. Try to avoid eating a high carbohydrate meal or snack right before you start your fast. Some people find that a high carb meal/snack stimulates hunger shortly afterward making it more challenging to continue with the fast. A meal/snack that emphasizes protein is a better choice.

2. Keep busy. The more you do things that distract you from thinking about food, the better. Many people eat when they are bored or because they are conditioned to eat based on what time it is, so if that describes you, be aware of it and try to do something that interests you so you won't be swayed by old habits and conditioning.

3. Remind yourself that your body doesn't actually NEED food to function during a short-term fast. You are not in danger. Energy will be drawn from food that is still digesting during the the first part of your fast. When that runs out, energy will come from the fat stores on your body. No matter what size you are, you usually have enough fat reserves to safely draw from during a short-term fast.

4. Remind yourself that your body has been trained to expect food at certain times and in certain situations, so hunger may rev up at those times during the fast. Again, you don't NEED to eat, your body is just telling you that it 'expects' food. This will change the more you do intermittent fasting - the body will stop it's non-emergency grumbling.

5. Keep hydrated. Have your favorite non-calorie drinks on hand (water, black coffee, green tea, herbal tea, sugar free soda, etc)

6. Sip on drinks that contain caffeine (coffee, tea, sugar free cola) because caffeine helps to suppress appetite. It's important to consume the drinks slowly, over the course of the day, because if you take in too much caffeine in a short period you will probably have a dramatic energy drop later on which can stimulate appetite.

7. Exercise. It's very safe to exercise on a fasting day. If it's intense exercise (a sprint, for example) it will usually kill appetite for a while.

Sometimes people feel light-headed or get headaches when they're trying intermittent fasting the first few times. This isn't due to blood sugar dropping too low - that's a myth that studies and intermittent fasting enthusiasts have disproven countless times.

The feeling is likely because the body is burning it's own fat for fuel, which it rarely has to do when you're eating frequently and drawing on food for fuel. You may find that a brief burst of exercise works very well to combat this, giving you a nice boost in energy - the opposite of what you'd expect!


For more FREE helpful fasting tips to get you started with intermittent fasting, visit

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Online Relationships Are The Good Way To Fall In Love

Plenty of people presently search for a partner on dating websites. These websites have spread over the last years, especially since a lot of the stigma is gone from the popularity of these webpages. The stressful existence tempo and the lengthy job hours leave many people few dating choices. Nevertheless, you need to develop some assortment criteria for determining what dating websites to sign up.Begin with an honesty test! Why do you prefer on-line dating? What's your goal? Are you currently searching for a short-term affair? Do you just want to have fun? Are you currently interested in founding a severe long-term romantic relationship? Do you simply have to communicate? When it comes to money administration, you will find 2 types of dating websites absolutely free pages and fee-based ones. Numerous dating websites offer free entry to get a restricted period of time so that you can test the service before determining to join or search somewhere else.With the greatest reputed dating websites, you must get a charge to access numerous functions. Only then could you handle your account in the most gratifying way possible and have entry to chat rooms, internet cameras along with other services. Customization is the primary benefit of websites that charge. Nevertheless, you should calculate how much online dating will cost you, in order to plan your month-to-month budget. In the event you fail to locate a date, plenty of paid sites provide a cash back again guarantee. You can discover out about this aspect by checking the company's policy.Some dating websites are specialised as in contrast to others that are categorized as common. Niche sites are a great deal much more suitable if you lookup for someone inside a specific age group, work status or religion. It's through this kind of sites that you simply can discover individuals who share the same interests with you, but, you must keep in mind that the members are usually much less. General websites statistically have greater chances of bringing you in contact with somebody appropriate.Personal security is the problem to usually maintain in mind when using dating websites. There is usually a safety protocol, but you need to comply with specific guidelines in order not to expose your self. You're the one to decide just how much of one's private data to share on site. Will your phone number, address, birth date and title be uncovered or not? This kind of an element deserves all your attention, and this really is the first aspect to think about when you consider dating websites.

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Home based Business versus Brick and Mortar Business.

Ladies and gentlemen as an entrepreneur ( A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture. ...) I think that there is much confusion on the Net today in regards to money making opportunities, systems, work from home, online businesses etc..etc. that are steering the average people, the inexperience, the naive, the financially challenged, those that are seeking just an additional income, perhaps yourself ,towards the wrong direction causing much of the needless frustration and deception and possibly into a greater financial distress.

Well, I can relate to all these factors, I've been in these situations myself and on top of all my personal challenges, searching for a way out caused me to close my eyes to reality and open them into "Virtual reality" making me an easy target for the cyber stalkers, meaning:

* Cyber stalking: preying on a victim via computer and the Internet. More on this topic later.
It's a whole new world, a world of magical enticement, offering qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward for little to no effort at all.

Make no mistake about it, the Internet is still in the crawling stages and yet it has been making life a lot easier in more ways then one, for instance you are able to do your banking from home, no more commuting to the bank, saving you more time and money and actually helping our precious home " Earth" by greatly reducing waste and energy. Shopping online has been growing by the minute, tons of malls, pharmacy ...etc.You name it and it's there with a click of a button.

Want to find your better half ?, did you know that more and more people are turning to date websites to look for a partner, they get to set their desired profile and just click the search button. After they screen their candidates they could choose to meet them in person without the fear of rejection or an awkward situation of a blind date.

Today there's a new emerging generation " The gotta have it now" generation, when they want something it has to be immediately(Instant Gratification), if they want music, softwares, books, games, ring-tons and the list goes on, all they need to do is download it and in seconds they'll have it.

News or newspaper?, people are canceling their newspaper drop every single day, when all they have to do is go online whenever they want and have the world at their fingertips.

Well, I could go on here forever but I'm just trying to give you a glimpse to where we are headed, now think about it, all these things are being created to make life a lot easier and at the same time creating many businesses opportunities.
Not long ago wanting to be your own boss you would go out and start a retail store, a restaurant, a beauty salon etc or buy into a successful franchise with a proven SYSTEM to minimize your risk.

The Small Business Administration (SBA) reported that 30% of independent, non-franchise companies fail during their first year,
and that about 5% of franchises fail their first year and the numbers are increasing due to many factors.
1-Bad location 2- Marketing/advertising 3- Competition 4- Slow economy 5-Unrealistic expectations

Unrealistic expectation, I think is the leading cause, why? Because it all starts with a dream and if you get carried away that dream turns into to a nightmare due to lack of planning.

New franchisees are known for having very high expectations. It may take 2-3 years before you see a profit and if you don't plan for that, you may sink before you have a chance to swim. If you don't like dealing directly with people you should not get into a franchise or any other business that requires that from you and if you want to make it, you must put in long hours and work with all
kinds of personalities. Some people are more difficult to interact with than others. As a business owner you need to be able to interact well with people from all walks of life. The ability to manage employees also is essential to the success of your business.

Unless you are loaded with cash and don't mind paying $10k to 20K in rent, thousands more on employees, insurance, utilities, accountants, maintenance, marketing...etc not to mention the initial start-up cost, while you are making next to nothing hoping that someone drops in and spend a few bucks , then by all means knock yourself out.

Today we are facing recession, inflation.... everyone is tightening their belts, how long are we in for this? what can we expect for the future? unemployment rate is on the rise again, businesses are closing, thousands of families are losing their homes, their cars and most importantly their health due to an overwhelming amount of stress and heart ache.

We must create our own economy, we can't depend on social security and government to fill in the gaps and our needs. While many are in financial distress there are those that are making tons of money and if you do your homework you'll find those people on the Internet.
The future is online ,

According to the Internet World Stats that collects its data from Nielson//NetRatings and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as of September 18, 2006 there are 1,086,250,903 people on the Internet world-wide and 229,138,706 people in the United States on the Internet.

Are you concerned with competition...? If you must fear competition fear having a burger joint in some corner where there are at least 5 others in a mile stretch with only a few thousands of people passing by per day and who knows? half of those people may be, vegetarians, on a diet or on a tight budget.

According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, fewer than one in seven Americans were online in 1995. Today, the majority of Americans are surfing the Web, exchanging e-mail, reading bank statements and ball scores, checking the weather.
Today, Pew says, two out of every three Americans spend time online.
The World Wide Web has transformed the way people live, work and play and the transformation has just begun.

Now, you may ask, Do you have any idea why then, so many people fail on the Internet?

1-Well, in the beginning I mentioned the cyber stalker commonly known as scammers, they play a great role on failures, you see these individuals see the potential in making money online but they want it even faster ( The gotta have it now generation) and they'll do whatever it takes, so what most of them do is copy a legitimate business (Copycats) to a certain extent and by that I mean they leave out the main part which is the support and training,the heart of any business and add a bunch of fluff that gets the " Newbie" all fired up and ready to dump their money in their laps. Without a clue to what to do next and no one to call, no one to help they end up quiting and sometimes for good, thinking everyone on the Net is a scammer. You must understand that scammers are all over, not just on the Net, you'll find them or should I say they'll find you by mail, door fliers, radio and even TV .

They'll promise you the world and since your present situation is requiring a miracle you may be tempted to give it a try.

Usually these business opportunities like to bad mouth and bash other businesses giving you "the Newbie" the impression that they are looking out for you using pitches like , " Our system is better than xyz" or " We do all the work and you make all the money"
Well, you know the drill. It is imperative for you to know that anything worthwhile is worth something whether it's money, time and energy , most likely all.

2- Most people WANT success but don't realize how much work will be required from them once they are in. When they find out what it will take, most are not willing to take action on the necessary steps to ensure success.
If MacDonald's offered you their duplicatable Proven System for next to nothing and told you they would do all the work and you would just stop by to collect the cash and a few burgers, would you believe that? Hope not.

Why would one believe that online businesses would have such a sweet deal? Granted, there are all kinds of opportunities some require more work than money, some more money than work, it will depend on your accessibility to either one or both to make your decision but still there must be something in the barrel or you will just be shooting blanks.

3- Most Home based systems rely to much on the individual, whom usually has little to no experience with cold calling, selling and marketing. Plus they don't have a lot of time to devote to the business because they are working a full time J0B. It is very important for a person to write down their Goals, besides money what are you looking to accomplish with a home based business?

* How many hours a day will you have to work this business?

* Will it be something you'll enjoy doing?

* What kind of income are you searching for ( Be realistic, if you want a million by next week, try the lottery)

* Will you enjoy talking to people?

* Are you willing to educate yourself?

* Are you persistent?

These are just a few questions you may want to ask yourself, first you must know what you want in order to find a business that matches your expectations and only then make your decision., See most people try businesses just because it sounds good and there's nothing wrong with that as long as your willing to do whatever it takes to succeed. Some people like to have jobs, work from
8 to 5, go home pay their bills and hope for the best. Some people like to be bossed around and make other people money. The way I see it .., as long as they're happy that's what counts! But with such a mind set, these are the people that are part of the 98% failure rate.

For those that are interested in a legitimate online business , that's been successfully growing for 2 years, that has a great system in place and that will take you step by step to financial freedom, if you are willing, work with a team of people with a business mind set that are succeeding I welcome you to request more information and I'll gladly show you around and by that I mean you'll be able to take a free trial, no commitment and see if this business fits your circumstances and expectations, you'll be able to see and hear what we are doing and most importantly how we are doing it, that and much more in your back office,plus, you'll be able to attend our training classes live for as long as you feel necessary, leaving nothing to chance and guess work. Yes we are here to make money,like everyone else but we do it with integrity, honesty and we tell it like it is and we can't succeed if we don't teach you how to succeed and provide you with the necessary skills and tools. That is why our company has grown successfully for the past 2 years.

If after you reviewed all the information and participated in our training webinars, still have questions? you'll have access to my personal phone number and also the owner of the Company, no sales pressure, no commitment just plain facts.
I do ask that only those that are serious about starting an online business and start making some serious money from home request more information.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, I hope it has been helpful.

"Everyone has the power for greatness. Not for fame but for greatness, because greatness is determined by service. "
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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